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A journey of
Growth and Transformation

We know, deep down, our desires and our purpose. The journey is to look inwards to embrace it and let yourself shine

Hello Radiant Spirit! Thanks for being here! My name is 


I'm a free-spirit who loves to play, create, connect with nature, and dive into the mysteries of my soul and the depths of my mind. I believe that magic exists in the form of love, joy, and nature. And it's accessible to all creatures. 

As a Coach, I guide clients on journeys to connect with the body, mind, and spirit to reduce stress, anxiety, feelings of overwhelm and release negative beliefs around who they are.

I encourage a path to Embrace your Essence, embracing the qualities that make you uniquely yourself. Within that energy of Essence is your True Self- the Wise and Wild part of you that instinctively knows what you want and how to be joyful.


Beneath the fears, the learned behaviours, the expectations and standards society has demanded, resides this part of you, full of creativity, light, joy, freedom...

Coach Andreana shining!

Embracing the transformation

I spent years fitting myself into a box, trying to be someone that the external world seemed to encourage me to be. Everything I never wanted came easy. I ignored what I really wanted. I settled for less. I experienced burnout. Several times. 

The real work came when I couldn't ignore the physical and mental discomfort anymore. My Spirit was calling me to look inwards, heal, and reconnect with my Self and my purpose.

What I found was what I always knew deep down. The self-doubt, past pain stored in my body. The fact that I was so overwhelmed from always pushing myself to do too much and serving other people. My energy was all out of balance! And there was much that I was ignoring. 

Andreana with eyes closed, hands over heart

One thing that always kept me grounded was my connection to Nature and energy. I was reminded that life is more than a job, more than that presentation or that relationship.

In this fleeting life, what would it look like to live it to the fullest?

Reshaping my life to create something beautiful that is FOR me is powerful and fulfilling and something I'm very proud of. In the depths of this journey I've learned many truths. You have the Power to create the life you want and the answers, the path forward, is within you. You have wisdom and a deep knowing ready to be unbound. 

If you're like me, and you're tired of constantly giving your energy and feeling drained, of feeling stressed or anxious, recognize that there are other possibilities.

You have the Power, you know your purpose.

It's your time to come back to your Self. To connect to your Essence and let your True Nature shine! To pursue your passions, reconnect with your purpose and live for YOU. 

golden leaves

What does your journey look like?

Tropical Plant

Your Radiant Essence

Coach Andreana smiling on a bed.

Radiant Essence

is the concept of allowing your True Nature to powerfully emanate, glowing brightly with the qualities that make you, you. It's shining with joyful and loving light because your energy is free to flow and express itself. 

Someone with a Radiant Essence:

● Is confident and proud of their abilities and who they are.
● Knows their fears and addresses them.
● Is in touch with the energies within and around them.
● Is connected to their body, mind, and spirit.
● Pursues their passions, purpose, follows their dreams.
● Lives for themselves, and not by the rules or expectations of others.
● Feels connected to Nature and knows we are all Nature.
● Practices gratitude and appreciation.

Energy follows thought

Embracing your Essence and letting your True Nature shine involves the 3 values of connection, serenity and fulfillment


Connection to the body means building a better relationship to Self, learning to tune into the subtle cues and needs of the body and to the world around you, to Nature, to Essence, and to feel closer to others.


Serenity is cultivated when the mind and body can be still. When old emotions and traumas are processed and released. Serenity is strength of mind and is essential for good mental health. 

Fulfillment is achieved through the power of connection and your serenity of mind. You strengthen your connection to Essence, learn your Truth, find your purpose, and lead with your Spirit, creating a life of joy, deep spiritual connection and pleasure.

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