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Trail in Woods

How to alter your mental state when you feel horrible.

You know how some days, you feel wonderful and everything flows so easily? And then there are those other days. The days that, well, suck. When you feel like shit. Demotivated. Depressed. Anxious. Stuck in your head, on obsessive thoughts. When you feel like there's no point in doing anything, and you want to curl up on the couch. Or make a hole in the ground and hide away. That's what I usually imagine. Being safely tucked away, absorbing the grounding energy from the Earth.

I know it can be tough to get out of those moods and to alter your mental state. Believe me in that you are not alone in this, and you can absolutely get out of that funk.

It comes down to changing the energy in your body. Almost like resetting your nervous system. There are many ways to do this. Over the years, I've found ways that work best for myself and for clients.

Here are some practices to try:

1) Move your body.

You can try some gentle movement like stretching, swaying or walking. Or you can try more intense cardio to boost your endorphins.

2) Connect to your breath.

Your breath is your direct control to your nervous system. Connecting to your breath allows you to slow it down and reduce stress. This form of meditation brings your attention back into your body and can get you out of your head.

3) Acknowledge your emotions.

When you feel this way, there is probably something bothering you. Often, it is a deeper emotion that you may not want to confront. And that's okay. It's not always the right time to process those deep, hidden away emotions. But you don't want to suppress these so that they continue to pop up randomly and make you feel horrible. Do your best to acknowledge the 'thing', and quietly put it away for later. You could say something like, "I acknowledge your presence, I appreciate that you're here for a reason. Right now is not the time for you to come up. I promise I will check in with you soon."

And make sure to hold true to that promise!

4) Get outside.

I think by now most of us know that being in Nature is good for us. We came from Nature, we return to Nature. So make this easy for yourself. Get outside! Go breathe the fresh air. Look into the distance. See the natural colours around. Go exploring! Even just for a few minutes.

It's easy to make excuses (it's too cold, it's too hot, I'm tired, it's raining...). But no matter what the climate or situation, humans feel an improvement in their mental health when they get outside.

5) Tune into your nervous system to see what it needs.

This skill can take some time to develop. The more time you spend with your Self in stillness, the more you connect to your breath and your body, the easier it gets. When you tune into your nervous system, you can see what it needs. Does it need activation or stimulation, like getting the heart rate up? Or does it need rest and a sense of serenity like in meditation or quiet contemplation?

Try checking in with your nervous system (your body and mind) every day through breath and silence.

Whatever you choose, it will probably take some motivation to get going. But, you still want to feel somewhat good about it. It shouldn't feel like torture. So try them out, see how they feel for you. Does this inspire other practices that help you change your mental state?

And if you need extra support, please seek it! Talk to someone, see a Coach, see a Therapist.


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