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Trail in Woods

You're Radiant when you're YOU.

Life is full of transformations. Growth. Evolution. The beauty is in the changes, the seasons. This growth and evolution comes from learning and improving in order to thrive. One big thing I’m always learning about is myself. And as I grow and evolve, I get to know myself differently, and more completely. And I feel more confident in being my Self.

I feel as if I’ve always been on this path. This is the natural evolution of my growth. The path before me isn’t clear, but I know where I’m going. It has led me right here. To this next evolution of my coaching business. There is a transformation in progress! I recently created a business name and I’m changing all the branding to match. 

Say hello to…Radiant Essence! Coaching for your body, mind, and spirit

I'm so proud of this ongoing transformation, and can’t wait for it to be complete. You may have seen some changes already in the weekly newsletter and on instagram. Soon, everything will change to match and there’ll be a new website! 

I wouldn't have gotten to this point in my business if I hadn't done the inner work to embrace who I truly am and to be confident in myself. So, I think this time is as good as any to introduce you to the concept of Radiant Essence, and why I chose this name. Let’s look a little deeper!

Radiant Essence, coaching for your body, mind and spirit

What is “Essence”?

Essence is the intrinsic nature or quality of something/someone that determines its character. Without these specific qualities, the something/someone wouldn’t exist or be what it is. Your Essence, my friend, is your True Nature. A combination of the qualities of your True Self. 

It’s your intrinsic nature. Free of any external influence or pressures. 

What about “Radiant”?

So glad you asked! Radiant means sending out light, shining or glowing brightly. Emanating powerfully the sensations of great joy, love, and health. Emitting warmth, like the sun. 

The concept of Radiant Essence

Radiant Essence means powerfully emanating your True Nature. Glowing brightly with the qualities that make you who you are. It’s shining with joyful and loving light because your energy is free to flow and express itself. 

Let your True Nature shine

It involves unblocking all parts of you so your energy flows freely, and you can be who you are. It’s removing energies external to you, external influences on how you act or on your thoughts. 

Embracing your True Self- the person you truly are- allows you to live an authentic, joyful and fulfilled life because you’re living for YOU and not for anyone else. It's living in alignment with your values. 

The more you allow yourself to be you, the more power you have, the more freedom, and the more you can live an amazing life and give back to others. 

Someone with a Radiant Essence is confident in and proud of who they are and their abilities. They pursue their passions, their purpose, and they follow their dreams. They are deeply connected to the energies in their body, mind, and spirit and the energies around them. They feel connection to and gratitude for Nature and the world around them.

You can be proud of who you are. There are always people who will appreciate you for YOU. And most importantly, you're living this life for YOU, not for anyone else.

Andreana smiling while sitting and reaching up.

Why Radiant Essence?

For much of my life, it was a battle to be myself. I often felt shameful and insecure when I shared little bits of who I am. The fears of being judged, made fun of, not feeling worthy or good enough were strong. Imagine a little girl who always believed in magic. Always saw the magic and wonder in the natural world and felt hopeful, but doubted her gifts and thought it better to fit in than stand out. It would be safer that way. For many years now, I’ve been working on myself to clear out those emotional blocks and let my true self shine! It is such empowering and incredible work and I want everyone to experience the freedom and the beauty of embracing and emanating the light of their Essence. 

I know that many people struggle with being themselves. And I mean truly being themselves. In any situation. Despite external pressures and expectations. When we feel stressed or anxious, overwhelmed or fearful, it creates a block in the flow of our energy. That limits the flow of energy and the connection to Essence. So we can’t truly be ourselves when we are living in an agitated state or letting our emotions take control. It's a transformative experience to remove those emotional blocks and to learn how to be yourself.

When I'm truly in flow, truly connected to Essence and my True Nature, I feel so powerful. I can breathe deeply. I find joy and magic in the simple things all around. I feel connected to everything around me. Especially in Nature. And it's in that state that I see how we are all connected through the shared energy of our Essences. 

You're radiant when you're YOU

When you can be your True Self, you realize you can do anything you want to do. You realize that you have specific skills and a purpose, even. And you have the courage to pursue your dreams and create the life that you want. You become the best person you can be. Because you realize it was within you all along, you just had to let the energy flow freely to guide you.

Then, maybe it isn't so much a transformation as a becoming. A re-becoming your Self. Getting back to who you really are. Letting your Essence shine, knowing you're the most radiant when you're you.

Whatever goals my clients have, they’re going to reduce stress, anxiety, overwhelm, overthinking, negative self-talk, etc. and increase confidence, self-worth, build a better relationship to themselves, setting boundaries, etc…and all of this gets them closer to letting their Essence shine. 

It takes time to peel away the layers of external influence and internal blocks to let your Essence shine. But there are things you can start doing today that will help you reduce feelings of stress, anxiety, overwhelm and help you feel more confident in your Self. I'll share these helpful steps in my next blog post! For now, keep focusing on being yourself. You've got so much to offer this world.♥

Much love, Andreana


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