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Trail in Woods

Your Power is in your Self. Here's how to access your authentic Power.

How often do you disregard your gut feeling? How many times have you had to make a decision but were unable to decide what's best? Maybe it was a small decision, and you didn't think much of it. Or maybe you often get stuck on big decisions. Weighing the different sides, the pros and cons. Thinking about the impact on other people...

You push the decision off for as long as you can. Or maybe you feel uncertain until someone suggests a path forward that you can accept. But it never really eases the underlying stress. And it doesn't make it easier the next time you have to make a decision.

This behaviour is often visible when people look for solutions outside of themselves. When they ignore their gut feelings and ask others for their opinions. Many times. Researching every angle. Trying to gather as much information as possible to make an informed decision.

It might seem helpful or productive. But all of that is just noise.

It's all distractions.

Your Power comes from accepting your Truths and living as your authentic Self.

You aren't going to find the best answer for YOUR situation outside of yourself. The truth for what you want and what you need is within your SELF. No one else has your answers.

The external world does not have the answer. YOU have the answer. And YOU have the power to create the life of your dreams. Simply listen to your Truths to find the answers and access your authentic Power.

Next time you have a decision to make, consider:

  • What might be in the way of trusting your intuition?

  • Are you putting off making a decision?

  • Do you doubt yourself? Why?

  • How are your fears influencing the situation?

Tapping into your true Power means being your authentic Self. It means trusting in your authentic Self. To be authentic, you must tune into and listen to your Truths. You cannot tap into your Power and your Intuition when you are not authentic and when you ignore your Truths.

Access your true, authentic Power

There are many ways to access your Power and embrace your True Self. It all comes down to aligning your body, mind, and spirit. It's about connecting with your Self, finding a sense of serenity, and allowing yourself to be you.

Here are some ways to do just that! I've found this helpful in my own journey and clients often use them as well.

  • Connect to your body and breath

  • Meditate, spend time with your Self

  • Dive deep, unveil, unleash. Little by little, pull back the layers

  • Practice authenticity (Live your Truth)

  • Clear energetic blocks

  • Practice acceptance of who you are and what you want

  • Please yourself, not others

  • Set goals for yourself, not others

  • Seek joy, follow your passions

  • Discover your purpose and live it

If you can live in this alignment of body, mind and spirit, you can access your Truths and Desires. You can live authentically and in your full Power. You can achieve anything. Including making decisions with confidence. ;)


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